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S.M.A.R.T Target

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

For the next few weeks leading up to Christmas I will be trying to improve a certain skill of mine through a smart target that I have created. A smart target is something that I choose myself to improve on, like modelling or drawing, the aim of the smart target is to take one of these skills and practice and improve on them. The target needs to be measurable and easy to identify when improvement is made so I will be uploading my progress here as well as sharing it with tutors, this way I can easily track my progress.

My S.M.A.R.T Target

My smart target will be to improve and practice hand drawn reference imagery and concept art to help create a portfolio for a Game Art course I am looking to study at University. I hope to become better at hand drawing via this smart target so I can create an impressive portfolio of work which shows my understanding of how the 3D workflow in used in the game industry.

Now that I have established a target I can begin to work towards my goal, any work I complete I shall leave below along side any criticisms and peer review that I get that has helped me along the way.

Low Poly Tree

For my first drawing I have decide to sketch a reference image that I can use to help make a Low poly tree asset for the 6 week game project. I feel this was a good first attempt at a reference image and it shall help me allot when I come to making a model in Blender. Here is the drawing below:

Feed Back

Since finishing this first sketch I have received feedback on how I could better express this concept drawing. The main feedback I got was that the sketch doesn't show what parts of the tree are light or dark and it is hard to grasp the idea of how it would look in a well lit environment. To tackle this issue I have been advised to sketch in certain parts where I think the shade would be darker and to try and establish which direction the light is hitting the tree from.

With all this feedback now on board I'm am ready to give the sketch its needed improvements and I will leave the result below:

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