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My Art Style and Inspiration

For this post I will be discussing the art style that I want to improve on and learn for coming year. I will be talking about why I have chosen this specific style and how I am going to be implementing into my future projects.

The art style I have chosen is the Low Poly style, I like this style because it is simplistic but looks great when used for modelling and environment creating, two of my favourite things. I will leave some imagery of low poly styles of work below and I will include the artist as well so that I can refer to them in the future:

Karol Miklas is a artist I found on Artstation who's work looks really nice. He has been working on a project for a mobile game called DRIVE which I will link below, he has been making some awesome looking low poly cars that I will leave below. The cars are great as they have been textured in the exact art style that I would like to learn in my art lessons.

Here is the link to the game Karol has been working on and some of his amazing pieces of work:

In my future art Lessons I am looking to learn how to texture low poly models like Karols with this awesome looking style of art. I am exited to also learn how to model better to make low poly asset that I can practice this art style on.

I will leave another mood board showing of more of the low poly art style that I like in the style of environments below:

These awesome environments were found curtesy of Sketch fab, they are all in the low poly style that I like and I look up to these creations and I am inspired to create something like it myself. Maybe in some upcoming and future projects I will be able to create a piece of work like this.

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