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Updated: Feb 8, 2022

To start of the post-production phase of this project I am going to be spending some time discussing how I have created the Island that you may of seen my planning for in the research post. I will discuss how I have made my island as well as what tutorials I used for reference to help achieve a final product. I will leave a few videos below showcasing how I have built my island in UE4 and how I have implement my blender models into the island scene.

Making the Island

Below I shall leave a video discussing how I have made my chosen island in UE4.

As you seen in the video, my island has been successfully made and I have done a good job making it look just like the reference from the research. I am happy with the result of making this island and I am glad I remembered the process that I took when I first made a island landscape back in the A2 project last year. Because I remembered the techniques from last time it meant I ran into no problems and I didn't require any videos or tutorials to help me. This shows that I have maintained my skills from past projects and that I have learnt effectively.

Adding the Water

This video below showcase how I added some custom water into unreal engine to help bring my Island to life.

In this video I explained how I made my water ocean for my Island. I followed a tutorial In my research that I feel helped a lot and was generally very useful. The tutorial was extremely easy to follow and I am very happy with the results. Because of the easy process the tutorial took me through I ran into no problems and overall this was a easy implementation to my island.

Adding Foliage

Below I have left a video that covers how I have implemented some foliage to my Island to make it more realistic.

This video touches on how I discovered the foliage tool in UE4, via a video I found on YouTube. The video was all about how to use a foliage brush to paint grass and other plants as well as even painting trees. I decide to give it a try as you see in the video, and the results were really good, the tutorial was so simple and easy, all I had to do was import some grass models into UE4 and it did the rest for me. I am really happy with this discovery and I will leave the video I used down below.

Foliage tutorial video:

Model Placement and Lighting

This final video showcase how a implemented my models onto the island to achieve a finished scene.

Here is the final video for this project, as you can see I have successfully made my island look just like how I wanted it to in my research. I am so happy with how all my models look in engine and I am so thankful that I didn't run into any problems while I was implementing my assets into engine. Overall with the project know complete I am very happy with my outcome and I feel that this project really shows of the direction that I want to grow and expand in going forward.

My Personal Splash Logo

Before I finish this project by writing my conclusion, I would like to share a piece of photoshop art I have made that shows of my logo as well as a picture of my finished Island. Below I will leave a image of just my logo that I intend to use going forward as I way to sign my work.

As you can see above, this is my slash logo, it is very simple but I like that as it catches the eye but also doesn't take to much of the screen up which can take attention away from my work.

Here is an example of my splash logo in a screenshot I took of my Island:

As you can see my logo fits very nicely into the corner of my work and it doesn't take up to much room on the picture. This is what I am going to be doing with my work going forward in order to help promote myself and my work.


To finish of this project I would like to evaluate how I feel my project as a whole has turned out, this incudes everything from the research all the way up to now. I will discuss my thoughts and give positive and negative opinions for each stage of my project starting with the research. I shall begin below and after my evaluation I will also leave some opinions from other people such as class mates.

Starting with the research part of the project, I personally feel that I have I very strong sense of idea generation and development throughout the post and I show a very clear progression path from start to finish. I feel that I researched well into what it is I wanted to model as well as how I was going to go about producing it. By research early on how I was going to create my models it meant that there was more of a clear idea on the process I was going to take when I began production, therefore resulting in less problems when I began making my assets. As well as having good research for my models, I also am very happy with the extra work put in to generate a idea on how I was going to implement these assets. By researching into games like Sea of Thieves I was able to come up with a idea on creating my own island which perfectly suited the models I was making. This idea on creating a island lead to me being able to make some concepts, and eventually making the island in UE4. If I was given more time to research and plan this project I would definitely go back and create more concepts for my island, I would look into different methods of concepting to help bring across my idea of a perfect island a little better.

Moving on to the actual production of my project, I feel that I shown extremely well my problem solving and how I dealt with the problems before hand using the videos from my research. My methods for documenting my production are really good and I am happy with how I have chosen to present my workflow. Using video footage as evidence on how I created my models is far easier for me than taking screenshots and annotating them, as well as being beneficial for who ever is watching as they get a much more laid back and detailed analysis on the steps I take through out my production. Making these video is also a great way to show a good level of communication as not only do you have a video that you can watch now, but you can share and watch multiple times to help when presented with a problem. As well as these videos serving as a great reference tool in the future, I find that being able to directly express through words what it is I am doing is very helpful, as you absorb far more information than you would if you were to just read paragraphs of text. If I was to do my production again I would definitely think about other ways I could show my problem solving, as unfortunately with Wix I can not record more than 10 minutes of footage. It would be nice to have a recorded video that shows how I made my model, but then also include a little section of the video towards the end where you can physically see how it is I have fix my problem instead of just reading about how I fixed it.

To finish up the evaluation it is time to talk about the post-production of this project. I feel that the post-production has been extremely useful in showcasing a good level of professional practice and through the post-production I have been given a good chance to show of what my models look like in a live UE4 environment. I am really happy with how I have shown off the processes taken to create my Island as it is as much as the project as the models are. By being able to show off how I present my models in a game ready environment, really helps to showcase a level of professional practice and also a level of technical skill as being able to really implement you work into a finished piece is something that is required of a games designer. As well as the project itself I am really happy with how I have been able to focus on and develop my own personal branding and my own future progression. I am happy with the direction my work is taking me and by continuing to produce work like this project I hopefully could see myself at Uni studying to do this as a full time career. I am also impressed with my own splash logo as not only does it look great but It shows I am ready to take my work more seriously but also to take more pride in my work. With my own splash logo I am also able to brand my work on a platform such as Art station which has potential to give me scope to expand out and explore even more opportunities. If I was given the chance to redo my post-production, I would probably leave it the same but would definitely look into more branding as I now see the importance of it.

Peer Review and Feedback

Below I will leave some examples of feedback I have been given for this project. By gathering feedback from others I can see from a whole other perspective how my project looks. Peer feedback is very useful in improving my work and developing my skills set as it give be the chance to fill any gaps in my work and my knowledge.

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