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Updated: May 26, 2022

Now that I have successfully finished the production phase of this project, it is time to start looking at how I want to present my finished Diorama so I can see what it looks like in a lit and rendered scene. I want to make my scene accessible to view and look at at any time, so to do this I am going to look into publishing my work on my Sketchfab account, this way I can easily show it to other people and get feedback. As well as being easy to share and view my work when it is on Sketchfab, it is also a great way to add work to my art station portfolio that I created back in the B1 Project. Sharing and publish my work on my art station is a great way to expand my portfolio and even connect with other Artist witch could be really useful down the line when I am looking to impress a company that I am looking to work for.

Exporting to Sketchfab

The first step to putting my work on my portfolio is to first get it on Sketchfab. This is an easy but long process that I will cover below and talk about in the form of a video. Below you can find a video where I explain how I have published my Diorama on Sketchfab.

As you can see in the video above the result that I got from Sketchfab was really good and I am very proud of how all the models look when in a properly lit and rendered scene. The time taken to export the models along with all the textures was definitely worth it as now I have a really cool 3D viewer for my Diorama that anyone can see. I will leave a link below so you can check it out at any time.

Sketchfab Link

Adding To Artsation

The next step is to put my Sketchfab model onto my Art station portfolio so that I can show it of to people and so it can be seen be other Art station artist. Below you can find a video where I explain how I have published my Sketchfab Diorama on Art station.

As you can see in the video above I have successfully managed to put my Sketchfab model of the pub into my Arstation portfolio. This was a very quick and easy process and I will try my best to keep on doing this for future projects so that one day my Artstation will have lots of awsome 3D and maybe even 2D game art. I will also leave a link below to my Art station so you can have a look for yourself.

Art Station Link

Project Evaluation

To finish up this project I would like to evaluate how I feel my project as a whole has turned out, this includes everthing from research up to now. I will discuss my thoughts and give positive and negative opinions for each stage of my project starting with the research. I shall begin below and after my evaluation I will also leave some opinions from other people such as class mates.

Starting with the research part of the project, I personally feel that I have a very strong sense of idea generation and development throughout the post and I show a very clear progression path from start to finish. I think that I did a good job at researching what needed to be made in my scene and I did well at gathering resources for me to use for moodboards and reference. As usaual I made sure my research contained lots of tutorials and videos to help me during the production, having lots of these videos on standby is great as it helps to solve problems quickly and therfore save valuble time. I am really happy with the extra research I conducted as it really helped me to decide how I was going to texture my assets for this project and overall to experiment with different art styles and methods. The negative opinoins I have towards my research is that I could have included some sketches of the bar scene to better rienforce how I was going to place my my assets and make my scene.

Moving on to the actual production of my project, I feel that I have shown extremerly well my problem solving and how I dealt with the problems before hand using the videos from my research. My methods for documenting my production are really good and I am happy with how I have chosen to present my workflow. Using video footage as evidence on how I created my models is far easier for me than taking screenshots an annoyating them, as well as as being benefitical for who ever is watching as they get a much more laid back and detialed analysis on the steps I take through out my production. Making these videos is also a great way to show a good level of communication as bot only do I have a video that you can watch now, but it can be shared and watched multiple times to help when presented with a problem. I found that the modeling for this project has be good and I have been challanged in many doffrent ways. One thing I am very pround of is my texturing abilities as I feel they have grown allot and I have learnt lots of cool tricks that I will take beyond this project. The only negative opinions I have towards this projects production is the quality of some of the models. I would like to make it clear that most of the models are really good and I’am very pround of the results I got, there are just a few models that I feel woth more time I would be able to model them in more detial and therfore making my project better.

To finish up the evaluation it is time to talk about the post-production of this project. I feel that the post- production has been extremely useful in showcasing a good level of proffesional pratices as I have been able to see what my models look like in a realistic and lit scene that has been rendered. The use of sites such as sketchfab has been really usefull as it makes creating and publishing a scene professionally easy and it looks great. As well as looking great it is also a great way to share my scene with other people to get feedback and to get a feel for what needs improving and what has been done well. As well as using Sketchfab I also found that using Artstation to add this work into a portfolio is great as it gives me a platform to expand on in the future and I can begin networking with other people as I continue my studies in 3D art. Overall I found that publishing my work online and in a format that allows me two easily share my scene easily is good and I will continue to do this in the future. As a whole I think this project has gone extremely well and I have learnt so many things over the course of making this scene.

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