Hybrid Genres
Destiny 2
For destiny 2 I believe it has a hybrid genre as the game does fall under many
genres, for destiny 2 the game can go under the action genre as the game is
about us as a character which then goes and explores many different locations
to defeat different bosses. We are depicted in this game as the hero as we save
and protect the people in the last city.
As well as that we use futuristic technology in this game also giving it the sci-fi
genre the technology we use can vary in this game from our ghost being our
companion in this game our ghost can hack into many different enemy
technology as well as that it gives our character the ability to come back to life
after dying it can heal us too which allows us to keep going in fights as well as
that it's the source of our abilities so this ghost we have with us in this game
uses futuristic technology way beyond us. As well as that we explore many
different planets each with different technology which is way beyond us for
example the different enemy types use different technology to help them the
vex use portals that help them get to different places as well as that we can
also use these portals for our aid to get around to different places in the game.
The game can also tie into the fantasy genre as destiny 2 embraces its own
mythological past which is the difference between destiny compared to other
fantasy games as well as that the different enemy types, we see within this
game are named after some mythological creatures one main enemy type in
this game being the vex. All the vex are named after a mythological creature
for example Goblins. When we think of goblins, we think of a small green
creature that salvages stuff and takes stuff of people in destiny 2 Goblins in
that game are robots with a red eye and fuelled by there own resource that
they have they are about the same height as our characters and one of there
arms are a gun. This is what makes destiny 2 a fantasy as it takes mythological
creature but gives it, its own twist making its own lore which separates destiny
from most games with its fantasy aspect.