This post is a continuation to the game design lesson about the players and there design.
In particular this post is about character shapes, this is what highlights characters as strong and super or as wacky and cartoony. Below I am going to provide examples for different types of character shapes.
Strong Triangles
When I talk about strong personality types I think of superheroes like Superman or Spiderman, this is because there characters are portrayed as having body's that fit into shapes like triangles. These triangles are wide at the torso and narrow at the waist to show confidence and power as well as being muscular. Below I have found a example of this from a video game.

This image is from a game I have played called Batman Arkham Knight, as you can see this is batman and he has a clear triangle body type which tells us how powerful he is. This is proven when playing the game as from experience you feel like an absolute tank when fighting the criminals of Gotham city using brute force attacks and deadly gear combos.