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From the research I conducted, I was able to pick out two types of Greek pillars that I wanted to base my design of. The two Greek pillars I chose were the Doric and the Ionic, these are shown below:

After I had decided to pick these pillar I started sketching some designs using the details from the Doric and Ionic Greek pillars. I have drawn six initial sketches and have moved three of them into refined sketches. These are the six sketches below:

The six sketches above are split into two types Doric and Ionic. When drawing the Ionic pillars I started to realise that I would struggle to incorporate the design of the pillars in 3D as I don't feel confident enough to carry out that level of detail. With this said I decided to chose the Doric pillars as the pillars that I would take forward in the refinement process. The Doric pillars are the ones with the star next to them in the photo above.

Once I had decide witch sketches to move forward with I start to refine them and take more time adding detail and making them much neater. After I had finished I ended up with three types of Doric pillar as shown below:

These refine sketches above show how I have taken the basic Doric pillar and I have changed it up by giving it different details such as the base. Once I had these drawn out I then had to decide witch one I was going to get rid of and why. Overall I liked them all but I had to look at the practicality of how well I could make these in Blender, so I decided to get rid of the middle one as I thought the base was good looking but would be difficult to pull of with my current skill set. So with everything said I decided two pick the ones with the stars next to them because I felt more comfortable making them in Blender.

Now that I had decided on two pillars, I then made them into final turn-arounds that would be used in Blender to create the pillar. To create the turn arounds I drew a front view and a top view. Since the Pillar was going to be the same on all four sides I only needed to make a top and front. I also did not create a bottom as it is just going to be flat. My final turn-arounds are shown below:

I was very happy with both the Final turn-arounds and saw great success in them both. They both very clearly shown how the pillar was going to look, so when deciding witch to pick and why I felt confident that I could make a decision. The pillar that I will be moving on to modelling phase with is the pillar on the right, this is because I felt that although it is a basic Doric pillar I still had an element of my own design with in it, this being the cylinder at the top and bottom. I also chose the one on the right because I feel that if I were to chose the one on the left I wouldn't be challenging myself enough as the one on the left is very basic.

I have not chose the one on the left because of how basic it is but also because I feel that with the column it can not be changed much as it is lacking something in its design. Although I am discarding this I will be using it as a backup if anything goes wrong.

In conclusion the final turn-around shown below is the one that I will be using to create my Greek pillar in Blender.

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