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The Parthenon Grey Boxing

What is Grey Boxing?

Grey boxing is when you create a very low detail level or area in Unreal Engine to help determine where to place assets in the future. To grey box you will use the geometry brushes to add basic shapes such as box's around the level to help you see what a low detailed gameplay would be like.

For my grey box I used the Parthenon as shown below. I also used a floor plan to help grey box with:

Below is the result of the grey box inside and out:

On the left is the outside grey box and on the right is the inside. On the outside I have very basically made Parthenon using basic geometry, this is just to mark out the pillar placement and where the roof on floor sit. On the inside is a very simple gray box of Athene and where she would sit.

Overall I like the concept of grey boxing and I understand how important it is when designing and testing game levels and environments.

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