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Theory Homework: Conflict

For my Theory homework I have been asked to either watch a movie or play a video game and talk about the conflict presented and how it helps to tell the story.

I have chosen to watch a film for my homework, this film is STAR WARS: The Phantom Menace.

In this episode of star wars there is allot of conflict like in all of the other films in the saga, but in this episode the main conflict presented is between the Trade Federation and the Republic system of Naboo. The Trade Federations goal is to occupy the system of Naboo as there own using a huge army of battle droids and a blockade of many star ships stopping supply lines to and from Naboo. However it is the sub-conflicts that really help carry the story along.

There are many sub-conflicts through out the movie but I will explain one which is very important. Firstly when are Jedi knights arrive at Tatooine with Queen Amidala their hyperdrive is broken from the encounter with the Trade Federation blockade, this leads one of the Jedi and Padme to a old town in Mos eisley where they meet with Watto and a boy named Anakin. They need to make a purchase for some brand new parts that are going to fix the hyperdrive, However the Jedi only have a Republican currency which is not accepted on the planet of Tatooine, so being a Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn tries to use a mind trick on Watto to make him take the credits but mind tricks do not work on the type of species that Watto is from. This conflict between Qui-Gon Jinn and Watto brings a whole other range of events that progress the story well, without the conflict between Watto and the Jedi mind tricks Qui-Gon Jinn and Queen Amidala would be able to fly back to Coruscant without any issue at all.

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