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Unreal Engine-Platformer

The following images are of screenshots I took from lesson. In the lesson I learned how to create 2 types of moving platform. The first type of moving platform is a basic movement back and fourth from point A to point B. This works be setting a timeline in the event graph to set the speed of the platform. Using a Lerp, Vector and a SetRelativeLocation node we made a system that allow the platform to move and be set and different speeds and locations. The second type of platform is the same but has to be activated when your character steps with in the perimeter of the platform, then the movement begins. If the character leaves the platform then it will stop. We used the same script in the event graph, except we added an OnComponentBeginOverlap and a CastToThirdPersonCharacter to play or stop the timeline so that the platform move or stays.

I have also added a picture of what my Unreal Engine project looks like at current time.

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